Tuesday, October 1, 2019


While working with a adult who suffer’s from ADHD and Dyslexia you can go through different aspect of satisfaction and also aspects that can cause problems and tension at work. The most satisfying feeling at the end of the day when it is time to go home and the person i am careing for has thurully enjoyed the day forgetting about the problems that persist on a daily basis. Human resource functions in an organization include everything that has to do with ‘people’, i.e., their recruitment, induction, retention, welfare, appraisal, growth, training, skill development, attitudinal-orientation, compensation, motivation, ect. Aspects at work that bring satisfaction Good preparation – having a clear idea of what the day involves Interacting in good conversation Solving problems helping him to overcome obsticles to help him understand different aspects that may be hard for him to understand Spontanious days out – being involved with the planning of the day Pay – adequacy of pay Aspects of work that do not bring satisfaction Same activities over and over again Unorganised days out I read that the motivation to investigate the degree of job satisfaction arises from the fact that a better understanding of employee satisfaction is desirable to achieve a higher level of motivation that is directly associated with patient satisfaction. Schermerhorn define job satisfaction as the degree to which individuals feel positive or negative about their jobs. It is an attitude or emotional response to one’s tasks as well as to the physical and social conditions of the workplace. Job satisfaction is motivational and leads to positive employment relationships and high levels of individual job performance. Job satisfaction can be considered as a global feeling about the job or as a related constellation of attitudes about various aspects or facets of the job. The global approach and the facet approach can be used to get a complete picture of employees’ job satisfaction. The work itself – responsibility, interest, and growth Quality of supervision – technical help and social support Relationships with co-workers – social harmony and respect Promotion opportunities – chances for further advancement I think that creating a PDP, Personal development plan can provide a long term vision of where i want my career to go. It would definaltley be considered a positive advantage for short and long term carrer options in the rapidly changing world of work. Planning for my future. Short term goals at work Graduate from college/university two years from now Improve my knowledge and research more in the profession i want to futher my carrer To improve my skills over the next two to three years so I can futher my career Things that i can change with a positive approach to work By identifying the causes behind my undisirable attitude and aproach them in a positive way. I can change the situattions that are affecting my attitude in a negative way are things that i can change. For example, if i find that my attitude changes in a negative way because i feel tired most of the day would be to plan my night before, so i can get more sleep at night, or take power naps during break or lunch times. Also If work is not challenging me enough, then i change my approach to this by taking on some new tasks. I need to focus on a positive mindstate that will help me approach work with a realistic mental image of what my relationship with my job should be. I need to learn to accept the fact that some tasks linked with my job may be less fulfilling than others. When i have lack of motivation i should learn not to let this affect or not allow me to complete my tasks or activities. I must understand that my change of attitude is my own responsibility, and something which i mus t plan and work towards. Evaluate the benifits of self-managed learning to individuals and organisations. link idea’s with my own work experience .. BELOW A broad definition of self managed learning is a process in which individuals manage their own learning and are responsible for controlling how, when, what, why, and where they learn. I will need to set goals for learning by understanding the purpose of what i want to achieve. Self-managed learning can benifit me by helping me to understand  and overcome difficulties at work. I need to learn more about the disability’s that the person i care for has, and try to plan more wisely my approach to deal with situatuions that occur. Larning outcome 2 (LO2) EVALUATE MY OWN CURRENT SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES AGAINST PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS AND ORGANISATIONAL OBJECTIVES – BELOW IDENTIFY OWN DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AND THE ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO MEET THEM †¦ BELOW DEVISE A PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH CLEAR AIMS AND OBJECTIVES AND TIMESCALE BASED ON IDENTIFIED NEEDS †¦ BELOW DISCUSS THE PROCESSES AND ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN INCLUDING EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT SRATAGIES – REFLECT ON TIME MANAGEMENT STRATAGIES THAT I WILL NEED TO IMPLY IN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETER MY DEVELOPMENT AN MEET MY DEMANDS †¦.. BELOW Learning outcome 3 (LO3) UNDERTAKE AND DOCUMENT THE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AS PLANNED . USING YOUR DEVELOPMENT PLAN. COMPLETE THE ACTIVITIES THAT YOU SET OUT AS YOUR NEEDS FOR DEVELOPMENT . RESEARCH WAYS IN WHICH I CAN DEVELOP MYSELF AS A PERSON IN MY CHOOSEN PROFESSION REFLECT CRITICALLY ON MY OWN LEARNING AGAINST THE ORIGINAL AIMS AND OBJECTIVES SET IN DEVELOPMENT PLAN .. SHORT CRITICAL REFLECTION ON MY PROGRESS IN TERMS OF MY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES I SET ON MY DEVEPMENT PLAN .. CAN USE FEEDBACK FROM WORK COLLEGUES CONSIDER LEARNING STYLES AND STRATAGIES : TYPES OF STYLES : AWARENESS OF OWN PERSONAL STYLE : IMPACT OF PERSONAL STYLE AND INTERACTIONS WITH OTHERS LEARNING FROM OTHERS : FORMAL LEARNING . TRAING : OBSERVATION : MENTORING : SUPERVISION : TUTORIALS : INFORMAL NETWORKS : TEAM MEMBERS : LINE MAGERS : OTHER PROFESSIONS MONITORING . REFLECTING . PLANING Learning outcome 4 (LO4) SEE PIECE OF PAPER USE ALL IMFORMATION AND SKILLS THAT I HAVE GAINED THOUGHOUT THE UNIT AN DEMENSTATE MY ABILITY TO SOLVE A PROBLEM IN THE WORK PLACE SITUATIONS

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